IWW-CyROC wants to express our deepest gratitude to all of you for contributing to our exceptionally successful fundraiser! Through the crowdfunding campaign and our other actions of support to the strike fund, we managed to raise almost €5000 in merely two weeks! Your amazing show of solidarity allowed the continuation of the strike! More importantly, it built the morale of the strikers and all of us who are fighting alongside them!
A necessary note. The majority of the financial support came from branches and Regional Organising Committees of our One Big Union, proving once again and without a doubt how important it is to belong in a global network of worker solidarity! Organising and collective action is not easy. It is a dangerous and costly process, that requires a huge amount of physical, emotional and financial support! Contrary to the famous song, nobody should try to be a working class hero. What force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one? It is the union that makes us strong, binding together and standing up for each other!
Back to the strike at Optilink Solutions. Management is still refusing to revoke their illegal, unfair and arbitrary decision to fire a worker for making collective demands. In fact, they are continuing to make threats towards the strikers and trying to hire scabs to replace them! Your support is more crucial than ever! Keep yourselves up with the situation by following our updates on our website and social media, and find out ways to support the strike here!
Solidarity Forever! An Injury to One is an Injury to All!