A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body!

boot camp

All work and no play makes organising a dull affair! As such, last Saturday (7/12) saw the successful organisation of the first Wobbly Fitness Camp, exclusively for our members and their associates. More than just a great opportunity to enjoy a fun morning in the park (and get a taste of some delicious healthy snacks!), participants exercised mind and body under the careful guidance of a professional personal trainer and a sympathiser of our One Big Union!

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Absolutely lowest point: Optilink Solutions fires all of the strikers!

Absolutely lowest point: Optilink Solutions fires all of the strikers!

***English below*** Λάβαμε το εξής ανακοινωθέν από τ@ απεργ@ της Optilink Solutions, το οποίο και δημοσιεύουμε επί λέξει (τα links και η αγγλική μετάφραση δικά μας): "Από τις 13 Φεβρουαρίου, σύσσωμο το προσωπικό της digital agency Optilink Solutions βρίσκεται σε στάση...