Delivery Drivers Fight Back!

Protest of delivery drivers in Limasol, 16/8/2024

As we were recently informed, there is a rising number of attacks against delivery drivers in Limassol, attacks which are now happening even outside the so-called “high risk” areas of the city. According to these reports, the attacks are perpetrated by Cypriots, who aim to physically harm or and to rob the migrant delivery drivers, to destroy or steal their (motor)bikes and other equipment. Regardless if the motive behind each attack is racism or robbery, the perpetrators fully understand and take advantage of the vulnerability and precariousness of these migrant workers.

The police is, not surprisingly, indifferent and unwilling to protect the drivers, and the media are almost entirely silent regarding this important issue. Some (albeit very little) attention was drawn to the situation only after around 60 delivery drivers organised a work stoppage and a protest a few days ago. When interviewed by reporters, some drivers shared horrific experiences, while the spokesperson of the Limassol police admitted to the severity of the problem.

The delivery drivers whose lives are on the line could not and would not be content with the inability of the police to protect them. Today, Friday 16th August, they organised yet another, larger strike and demonstration in the streets of Limassol. The around 200 strikers were joined by a number of activists expressing their solidarity, including, of course, members of the IWW.

We would like to take this opportunity to reiterate that the attacks against these migrant delivery drivers are labour crimes, and we who live and work on this island will not allow our fellow workers to be victimised further!

We call once again on all witnesses or victims of such attacks, as well as on their colleagues, their family members and their friends, to contact us without hesitation and tell us what they have experienced! We will NOT reveal your personal information in any way shape or form.

An Injury to One is an Injury to All!

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