IWW – CyROC’s first Annual Electoral Convention held with great success!

On Saturday, March 15th, the first Electoral Convention of the Regional Organising Committee of the IWW in Cyprus was held in Nicosia. Around a year after the formation of the ROC, and with its membership more than doubled, fellow workers living and working in Cyprus from various ethnic, religious, migration and political backgrounds, got together in an event both contemplating on a very active year, as well as actualising democracy.

Moreover, the Convention established the foundations for the year to come, with the election of the officers that will carry the responsibilities of the various organs necessary for the function of the union: the Executive Board, the Secretary/Treasurer, the Internal Relations and Gender Equity Committee, and the Department of Studies Education and Training.

We wish to express our appreciation to every Wobbly who attended yesterday’s Convention, as well as to those that could not attend but went into the trouble of submitting their ballots and participating in the process. A special nod of appreciation goes to our Electoral Committee, who chaired and coordinated such a successful election procedure. We will also like to extend this appreciation to the group of international fellow workers (members of IWW-WISERA as well as independent) who observed the procedure.

Solidarity Forever fellow workers! An Injury to One is an Injury to All!

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