An Amazing Feat of Solidarity!

solidarity Nashwa 2024

The online crowdfunding campaign for the support of Fellow Worker Nashwa was crowned with success! Through this medium alone, we have managed to raise over 2000 EUR in just 28 days!

IWW-CYROC wants to thank dearly all the branches, individual Wobblies, and non-member fellow workers who contributed even the slightest to this effort. Special thanks are due to FW Avi for setting up the online crowdfund and promoting it so successfully!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported and still supports FW Nashwa through different mediums, in Cyprus and abroad.

We are also more than happy to publish this note by FW Nashwa:

“Dear fellow workers,

I am so overwhelmed from all the solidarity and support I have received during this challenging period. ‘An injury to one is an injury to all’ is exactly what i have experienced this past month. A massive thank you to all of you!
Stay united and stay strong for we have many struggles to overcome! I am full of hope all because of you!
Solidarity forever!
Your fellow worker,

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