Ως εκ τούτου, η στάση εργασίας μας αναγκαστικά τερματίζεται, και με τον πιο βίαιο τρόπο. Μια στάση εργασίας που είχε αποκλειστικό και δηλωμένο σκοπό την ανάκληση μιας άδικης απόλυσης, και άρα να ανατρέψει το παράνομο και αντισυνταγματικό καθεστώς απειλής απολύσεων σε περίπτωση συλλογικής οργάνωσης που επέβαλε η διεύθυνση με τις κινήσεις της.
Regional Organising Committee Cyprus
IWW – CyROC’s first Annual Electoral Convention held with great success!
Around a year after the formation of the ROC, and with its membership more than doubled, fellow workers living and working in Cyprus with various ethnic, religious, migration and political backgrounds, got together in an event both contemplating on a very active year, as well as actualising democracy.
International Worker Women’s Day Demo infested with sabo-tabbies! (photos)
A whole clowder of wobblying sabo-tabbies swarmed today’s protest, spreading hundreds of flyers and stickers with their message of worker solidarity, organising and emancipation!
Thank you for all the support! Strike at Optilink now officially in its forth week!
Your amazing show of solidarity not only allowed the continuation of the strike, but also built the morale of the strikers and all of us who are fighting alongside them!
Guaranteed Exploitation! Insidious Optilink Solutions is actually looking for scabs!
It would be a real shame if people used the application form to fill in some fake personal information, and upload “CVs” and “Cover letters” with message of solidarity to the strike…
1st Annual Wobbly Picnic in Cyprus a Tremendous Success!
Those wobbling sabo-tabbies managed to escape the city and went loose in the countryside!
Workplace Organising 102 Class of 2025!
Another voyage of our Academy of Syndicalist Training has reached its end,...
Fans of PAC Omonia 29M support the strike at Optilink Solutions!
Το έχουμε πει ξανά, τα παιδιά στην κερκίδα είναι η μόνη ελπίδα!
The work stoppage at Optilink Solutions is going strong!
On Thursday (13/2) the entire staff of the digital agency Optilink Solutions...