Put a Spanner in the Works of the War Machine!

general strike genocide

The IWW-CYROC vehemently condemns the Israeli invasion in Lebanon, as well as the attacks against Iran and Syria. The capitalist war machine of Israel and its supporters/suppliers appears unsatiated by the blood of Palestinians, even after a whole year of continuous genocide; nothing will stop it unless we the workers take immediate collective direct action.

As such, we pledge our support to the initiative of Palestinian and Lebanese workers who are calling for a general strike against genocide and war. Moreover, we call upon all trade unions on both sides of the island to support this initiative. In Spain on 27 September more than 200 trade unions and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) went on a 24-hour general strike against the genocide and occupation in Palestine, even with “political” strikes being illegal in the country. The Spanish government has since called for an immediate cease-fire in Lebanon, something that the government of Cyprus has failed to do, despite a “rich history of diplomatic cooperation” with the neighbouring country.

With the Cyprus night sky being illuminated by missiles striking barely 300km from where we live, and with the machinations of the government and the existence of the NATO bases on our island putting the country on the wrong side of history, there is no room for neutrality and quiet; the best time to act was a year ago, the second best time is now.

An Injury to One is an Injury to All! No War but the Class War!

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