Η τραγική πραγματικότητα των συνθηκών εργασίας που βιώνουμε ως εργατική τάξη στη Κύπρο, παρά τις όποιες διακηρύξεις και τις θεωρητικές βελτιώσεις, υπογραμμίζεται πιο ξεκάθαρα από το γεγονός πως το κάθε αφεντικό μπορεί να απολύσει χωρίς λόγο και προειδοποίηση κάθε εργαζόμενο του που δεν έκλεισε 26 εβδομάδες εργασίας.
No Pasarán “Overseas Santorini”
We call on the major trade unions, and especially the Pancyprian Federation of Labour with their declared stance against the genocide perpetrated by the Israeli government, to rise to the occasion and not allow the ship to dock here.
Καλοκαιράκι 2024: Εμείς δουλεύουμε και η τύχη μας κοιμάται…
Η θερινή ραστώνη αυτών που παρακολουθούν το εργασιακό τοπίο αντί να αγναντεύουν την θάλασσα, διαταράχθηκε το τελευταίο διάστημα, με μια σειρά από εξελίξεις.
Victory(?) in the struggle of delivery drivers!
The strike led to the beginning of negotiations for some form of collective agreement, negotiations that lasted for more than a year and a half, and resulted in the first sectoral collective agreement covering delivery workers in the EU. The agreement (signed on the 4rth of July 2024) will be put in force on the 1st of August, which is very good news.
International Bulletin: Regarding the murder of Anisur Rahman, the assault and abuse of protestors by the Cypriot Police, and the 2024 SHUT ‘EM DOWN Abolition Demonstrations
We call upon our Fellow Workers across the globe to express their solidarity to the formerly detained protestors, and their abhorrence to the murderous tactics of the Cypriot Police!
Τα παιδιά στην κερκίδα είν’ η μόνη σου ελπίδα…
Παρόλο που σαν συνδικάτο δεν είναι η θέση μας να ταχθούμε υπέρ ή κατά της όποιας αθλητικής ομαδοποίησης, και καλωσορίζουμε φίλαθλους και οπαδούς όλων των αθλητικών ομάδων ως μέλη μας, δεν μπορούμε παρά να χαρούμε με τη χαρά των μελών της Θ9 για την άνοδο στην Α’ Κατηγορία του Αθλητικού Λαϊκού Σωματείου Ομόνοια 29ης Μαΐου.
So you didn’t get paid today. . .
Just got word that you won’t be getting paid today?
You are not alone! Half (if not all) of Cyprus is in the same situation! They tell you it’s the fault of the Catholic Easter, or the banks that didn’t inform, or the stupidity of the accountants and other such nonsense…
International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day (known for decades as International Workingwoman’s Day) was established as a day of resistance and struggle first in the USA in 1909 (as National Women’s Day), by an initiative of women members of the Socialist Party of America. The following year, at the International Socialist Women’s Conference organized before the general assembly of the Second Socialist International in Denmark, on the initiative of communist Clara Chetkin and other female comrades, the annual “Women’s Day” was established. One year later, the first International Women’s Day was marked by demonstrations in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland, attended by over a million people.
We have heard complaints from workers in private kindergartens, that their employers are indirectly and directly pressuring them to participate in the protest on Tuesday 27/8, with threats to cut their daily wages or a rest leave, as well as how they are misleading them regarding the content of the government decision against which the protest is directed.