One Year of Genocide, the Drums of War Bang Louder

Palestine Statement


8 October 2024

The Wales Ireland Scotland Regional Administration of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW WISE-RA) are reiterating our call for an immediate ceasefire in Palestine and an end to the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people, as well for an end to all hostilities perpetrated by Israel against Lebanon, Syria and Iran.

The IWW expresses strong solidarity with the Palestinian people, particularly in response to the ongoing conflict and the genocide in Palestine. Even the most conservative figures show that the Palestinian death toll from the Israel’s ongoing aggression since October 7 has surged to more than 40,000 reported fatalities, the majority of them children and women.

Around 100,000 individuals have been injured, and almost 2 million people have been displaced. Condemning the violence, advocating for human rights, and calling for international solidarity action, we emphasise our solidarity with Palestinian workers and families who are affected by the conflict, and express support for the right of Palestinians to live in peace, security, and dignity. With the death toll in Gaza having a high possibility to reach 186,000 due to famine and disease, we call for increased humanitarian aid to Palestine, underlining the need for support in areas such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure in the face of destruction.

As an international union, with members and sections across North America, Europe, Australasia, Africa and Asia, we extend our solidarity with the workers of Palestine. We demand an immediate ceasefire and an end to the genocide orchestrated by the Zionist terror regime of Israel. We demand an end to the occupation of Palestine and the right of the people of Palestine alone to decide upon the direction of its own future. In doing so we also call upon the international labour movement to support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and an end to the occupation of Palestine. We are proud of the fact that the IWW has been one of the first unions in North America to officially support the BDS movement. A movement inspired by the struggle against racist apartheid regime in South Africa, the BDS movement of today calls for a boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel, until such time as fundamental Palestinian rights are fully recognised. It is a call which is supported by a cross-section of Palestinian society, including Palestinian unions.

The cessation of violence and the dismantling of apartheid are essential conditions for any meaningful progress towards peace and justice. Without addressing these foundational issues, true solidarity and unity among workers cannot be achieved.

Our international call to support the BDS campaign comes out of the international solidarity work supportive of the Palestinian, Israeli and international struggle against Israeli apartheid. A revolutionary union concerned with international worker solidarity, the IWW can but stand shoulder to shoulder with the Palestinian population in a global picket line against Israeli apartheid. We recognise the power of collective direct action and encourage workers in all industries to reflect on the impact of their labour in contributing to international conflicts. We call on workers to make conscientious decisions about their role in the production and transportation of arms and military supplies. Together, we can help prevent further harm to innocent lives and stand in solidarity with those affected by violence.

Answering the call made by Palestinian trade unions, we pledge to provide practical support to workers who refuse to build or handle weapons destined for Israel, as well as continue to educate workers about the occupation of Palestine.

Since our inception in 1905, the IWW, as a revolutionary union, has a long tradition of worker solidarity and anti-militarism, which has been central to some of the most important struggles in US and global working class history. Our active support of the people of Palestine is in line with these traditional principles of anti-militarism, anti-racism and international solidarity. It is this international solidarity that resolves to continue to advance the cause of Palestinian rights both inside and outside of the IWW, as well as provide a ray of hope for a world rid of war, exploitation and want.

International Department

IWW WISE-RA (Wales Ireland Scotland England – Regional Administration)

Industrial Workers of the World

* During the feedback process for this statement, IWW-CYROC had a chance to formulate some additional positions regarding this issue, which can be found here

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