Additional Notes on Palestine & BDS

Palestine Statement additional

The following are additional notes on WISE-RA’s International Department’s statement “One Year of Genocide, the Drums of War Bang Louder that IWW-CYROC formulated during the feedback process for the aforementioned statement.

The IWW in Cyprus has been supporting the Palestinian struggle since our first day on the island 5 years ago. Our stance regarding this issue consists of three key elements.

First and foremost, we DO NOT propose a state solution to the Palestinian problem, neither one state nor two states etc. This is vital for three reasons, a) because it is not our place as non inhabitants of Palestine to do so, and b) because being anti-capitalist (Marxian, anarchist or otherwise) is being anti-state.

The third reason is the second key element, i.e. that the solution to all conflicts, including this one, is for all the workers to join in a single organisation (ideally the One Big Union, the IWW). The third key element, controversial as it may be, is the support to the BDS campaign; we consider as very important this symbolic association with the South African anti-apartheid movement, which was about equal rights (civil and worker) and not any sort of segregation.

We would like to reiterate that, as CYROC, we consider the solution to all conflicts, including this one, is for all the workers to join in a single organisation (ideally the One Big Union, the IWW), away from any discrimination regarding nationality, ethnic background, religion, sex, gender, sexuality etc etc etc. Moreover, we would like to add that we recognise Israel as the primary responsible party for the Palestinian issue, but we also assign blame to Palestinian/Arab nationalism; when two nationalisms clash, it is wrong to only attack the one which managed to dominate militarily. This is something that is very important when it comes to the Cyprus situation, and the clash between the Turkish and Greek nationalism. The solution to the plague of nationalism and war is internationalism and class war, not the blind support of any one side. Furthermore, it would be wrong to ignore that the lack of equal rights between Israeli and Palestinian workers (the apartheid) is benefiting Palestinian employers as well.

Regarding the BDS campaign, we understand and share a number of serious criticisms and concerns. First, its core demands, i.e. Boycott (towards consumers), Divestment (towards companies), Sanctions (towards states), do not include a direct worker element. Second, it strongly promotes a common front with employers (including the state), while our main position as IWW is that we have nothing in common with them. Third, in its effort to cater to everyone, BDS has often clashed and denounced leftist initiatives on the matter – it is basically a centrist liberal campaign. HOWEVER, we understand that disassociating with BDS should not be something we are discussing while a genocide is happening. In the future, we would welcome a discussion regarding the support of BDS as well as possible associations with other campaigns closer to our standpoints as IWW, but, again, not while the genocide is ongoing.

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