Solidarity with the Bangladeshi people!

Bangladesh quota reform movement 2024

We have received (through our participation in the Global Mayday network) troubling reports about what is happening in Bangladesh right now. The ongoing Quota Reform Movement is facing extreme violence and repression.

Official reports state that the country’s government has closed all educational institutions, cut off all mass communication media including access to the Internet, declared a nationwide shoot-at-sight curfew, and even deployed UN-marked vehicles against the rioters. The report we have received (dated July 22) states that helicopter gunships are being used against unarmed people, and that the number of people killed in the six days since the revolt begun is over 300. Now, six days later, it is certain that the number of casualties is even higher, despite the official claims of a much lower number of deaths (174 at the time of the report).

We express our sincere solidarity with the people of Bangladesh who are fighting for a better future. We stand together with all the Bangladeshi migrants we live and work with here in Cyprus, and understand how difficult it can be not knowing what your families are going through.

An Injury to One is an Injury to All!

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